1 in 2 people will be diagnosed with some form of cancer in their lifetime. If you have received this box congratulations! You have now also won the Cancer lottery (Hope you caught our sarcasm there). Not the gift you wanted! I hear ya! Cancer sucks and is the biggest pain in the ass you will ever experience, but clearly someone you know thinks you’re a badass.

This is not your emotional sympathy box so we apologize in advance if that is what you were expecting. Let me give you a brief background. My name is Nicole, I am a nurse and mother of 3 awesome kids. My father was diagnosed with terminal Cancer at 60 along with my grandfather at 54. This does not include the numerous Aunt’s and Uncles who have also lost their battles. Good times, right? We have hit the genetic lottery for cancer cells. At 45 I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer. Thanks to my family’s history, I knew when I got diagnosed I was in for a fight. You are never really prepared for how rough the fight can be because no one wants to complain about what they are going through. Since my diagnosis I have had really honest conversations with people who have reached out about their own experiences. I have been transparent and honest about my battles. I realized that NO ONE knows what to get someone who is diagnosed. This is were the F-OFF cancer box comes from. In this box you will find items that I found helpful, along with the a few reminders of how tough you are. I created this box with my oldest daughter ( Badass Jr). We included local businesses who’s products we felt were helpful. Let me end by saying, I know how bad this sucks and I know you are lost and have so many questions. It’s truly overwhelming! The best advice I can give you is take each day as it comes and remember that your are stronger than you realize. Someone else already knew about you! You are NOT alone, there are so many of us out there who live it. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU! You will get through this! It may not be easy and it is ok to have bad days. Just remember to pick yourself up and tell cancer to F-OFF!